
Showing posts from July, 2012

It's so annoying...

You know what's annoying? When you are watching someone use the computer and you are trying to use your telepathic mind powers to get them to click RIGHT THERE, DUMB ASS! and they are putzing around clicking other shit all willie nillie and saying "I can't find it..." so you point at the right place on the monitor (knowing that this is another thing that is totally annoying), and they WAVE YOU AWAY. They know that you are right, but refuse to click that link now just to spite you... and they try to find another way to get there. All the while you are screaming inside your head "YOU F&$*ING IDIOT HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT?" So you turn away and ignore them for fear of popping a blood vessel in your eye by trying to use your brain to move their hand like some kind of wireless mouse and suddenly "Oh, I got it." Yep you got it genius! Annoying!