
Showing posts from May, 2010

Ready for a clean sweep

Another course is ending tomorrow. 17 people are leaving (graduating) and they are going to be missed. Things are changing all around me. New classmates, summer vacation for the kids, Steve is probably getting a job, it's a lot of change. I am happy about all of it, but it's just hard for me to figure out how to adjust myself to the changes. I will meet all of the new students on Friday at the orientation, I will find a baby sitter for the kids if Steve gets the job, and I will figure out how to be a student and a housewife, so I will be ready to fall back into the working mom role once I graduate. The house needs a major clean sweep. I think Spring Cleaning is an understatement. We need paint, garage sale, bathroom redo, etc... It's getting overwhelming. It makes me wish the girls were all older so that if I do it now I know it will stay nice for a while. I feel like it would be wasting our time to fix everything up now, when they will just write on the walls again next we

Another new course

We are going into he 3rd week of the course on sealants at school. This is going to be another frustrating course. I still need another patient in order to even pass this course. I have decided to remove the sanity scale because it was kind of annoying to try to put a number on my mood. The Prozac seems to be working OK. I feel a little better, and less depressed, but I am still tired all of the time. I'm starting to think I just have chronic fatigue instead of depression. I started working for a restaurant -passing out coupons and trying to sell their catering services. I have also been filling in on some weekend nights as cashier to help them out and make a little extra money. And I got my step son a job there as a dishwasher. Working the register kills my knees and makes me so damn tired. but I feel a little better about myself because I am doing something to bring in some money while I am in school. I have to give props to my husband (because he said I do) for keeping up with t