
Showing posts from June, 2010

Crazy Happenings

There are 3 big things going on right now that have me exteremely figity. Every time any of them even cross my mind I get the free fall feeling in my stomach, which is annoying. One: I have 2 weeks of this course and then I will be on my last course - after that is extern. I am nervous about extern and about trying to get a job after that. I have a lot of stuff to do for school before I go out on extern. I know it won't be a big deal once I get started on the assignments, but it is just a daunting task hanging in front of me. It's like 10 times worse than a sink full of dishes that you know you have to do, but you just really would rather not. Two: Josh is leaving. It's going to be weird, and I know the girls are going to miss him. I am going to miss the smart ass too. and to be honest I have felt a little pushed aside because I am not his parent. It really is my own doing, because I let myself fade into the background during big events where Steve and Kathy are both there