
Showing posts from March, 2011

So blah

I have been out of meds for over a week now. I got them yesterday and took one before bed as usual. I slept ALL day. I didn't wake up until around 6pm. I was sad and angry as soon as I woke up. I have been in a slump all night. Josh left for base tonight from SFO and I wasn't there. I feel terrible about it, but we did already say our goodbyes. I was looking forward to going to the celtic festival in Sonora, but we didn't do that either. I don't know that today would have turned out better if I hadn't slept through the majority of it, but I just feel like a waste right now. Tomorrow is back to work. I'm nervous that the person I was filing in for is going to be pissed about how I did things while she was gone, but I tried my best to fill her shoes. It's been crazy and not having all of the information I would need to do the job correctly wasn't my fault. Hopefully I can get back into the groove of chairside quickly and with out too many interuptions from

Miss you already

We just got home from dropping josh off at his moms house. He will be tnere until sunday then he goes back to base until the 21st, which is when he leaves for afghanistan. We had fun last night.i have some hilarious videos to watch when I get sad. Maybe I should watch them now.... I cried about 1/2 the way home. I posted some pics of us outside the house before we sad right now.i miss him already.