Things need to slow down

I feel like the weeks are just slipping away from me. Do you ever feel like you need to grab the reigns and shout out a big 'ol WHOA!!! Everything is rushed, day after day goes rushing by and I feel like there's no time to accomplish anything. I don't know if that means I'm doing too much or if I feel out of control because I'm not planning anything ahead of time. Is this what it feels like when you just throw up your hands and say "fuck it" and just go with the flow and take care of things as they occur? I cannot wait until writing is something I am assigned to do. Next semester I have a creative writing class as well as magazine. I will have to take the time to write or I won't pass. We all know I won't let that happen, so I will have to take the time. I'm just worried that I won't have anything to write about. I'm hoping for some good writing prompts in the beginning to get myself back into the groove. I haven't been able to wri...