
Showing posts from August, 2010

How could I forget???

I almost forgot to post about my new endeavor. I am trying to quit smoking. I have switched from regular cigarettes to Ecigarettes.I haven't had a cigarette in over 4 days. I' doing great with the ecigarette. I have no cravings for a real on at all. I am going to slowly step down the nicotine levels until I am off of it completely. I will keep you updated on my progress. I am also seriously considering the Master Cleanse. If anyone has experience with this let me know about it.

Expect the Unexpected.

School is over I have officially started my externship. The externship is actually considered the last course of school before I am a graduate. It is 6 weeks long just like all of the other courses, but we do not go to class. Instead we go to work at a dentist office for a minimum of 180 hours to get on the job training and practice what we have learned in a clinical setting. I had major issues getting a site lined up. I was originally planning on going to a site in Mountain House, but the instructors wanted to send me to a site that they thought needed further evaluation as an extern site for them to use in the future. I agreed to go to that site and gave up Mountain House to my really good friend. Then I started having second thoughts about that site and when I told the program director about my thoughts she called the dentist herself and then decided I should not go there. I was all set up to go to another site that I had heard from a former student was really good. then the career

Full is not heavy as empty....

I've always loved that lyric from Fiona Apple. "Full is not heavy as empty" This is so true. Just think how heavy things feel when they are empty. Of course I'm not talking about containers, but things in life... or just life itself. Right now I'm about half full. I have my kids and my husband and I am working on getting a career started. So half full is about accurate. Studying for my exit final is stress on a stick. (thanks Laura now everything is on a stick) I don't have a lot of time for a long post right now since I am at a friends house and I feel bad for letting her ply with my kids so I can indulge in the internet. I will be back soon though. i have 5 more days before I start my weening from prozac. So I will be back to update.