
Showing posts from January, 2011

I'm all internetty again

As of yesterday we have internet at home again. This means more blogs. yay! So here we go. Things have been going really well on my new medication. Work is good and so is stuff at home. but as my friend Laura once said - I am not someone to blow sunshine up your ass. :) I've been having a hard time with the loss of my grandma. I'm still dreaming about her almost every night. I made a trip up to her house nad saw it all redone and almost ready to go on the market and i haven't had anymore dreams about being inside the house. I still dream about the pool and the building though. I hve been feeling guilty about not crying much over her loss. I am a big cryer. I have watched a few movies that made me start tearing up and I realized after that I kind of stop myself from crying by thinking "I didn't even cry when my grandma died - how can I be crying over this." I really miss her. It's almost my birthday again and I will be 31 this year. not such a milestone, bu...

Settling down

Things have been crazy recently, but it's beginning to settle down. I got a job right down the street from my house in November. It was hectic at first, but I have gotten into somewhat of a routine in my office. my step-son has come and gone once again. we had 2 weeks with him for the Christmas holiday. He is done with his SOI training and is now stationed in Twentynine Plams CA. Apparently he will be deployed to Afghanistan in March. I am not happy about that, but he seems to be pretty stoked. Christmas was amazing. Everyone got what they wanted, including me. I got my NOOK! I've read over 2500 pages since i got it. Nice huh? New Years was fun. I went to Centerfolds with my hubby and had a good time. Abby turned 3 yesterday! My youngest baby is 3 years old. My 12 year old, Kayla kind of hit the nail on the head for me when she said " She's been 2 forever" it really has seemed that way. The Lexipro seems to be working pretty well for me. I'm feeling pretty goo...