I'm all internetty again

As of yesterday we have internet at home again. This means more blogs. yay! So here we go.
Things have been going really well on my new medication. Work is good and so is stuff at home. but as my friend Laura once said - I am not someone to blow sunshine up your ass. :) I've been having a hard time with the loss of my grandma. I'm still dreaming about her almost every night. I made a trip up to her house nad saw it all redone and almost ready to go on the market and i haven't had anymore dreams about being inside the house. I still dream about the pool and the building though. I hve been feeling guilty about not crying much over her loss. I am a big cryer. I have watched a few movies that made me start tearing up and I realized after that I kind of stop myself from crying by thinking "I didn't even cry when my grandma died - how can I be crying over this." I really miss her.

It's almost my birthday again and I will be 31 this year. not such a milestone, but I love birthdays. I miss my friends and want to have a gettogether with them. I had an idea to take a trip up to santa cruz and go on a photo taking mission at all of our old hangouts and at all of the places where we lived. I want to go to carpos and get some pasta salad and to the boardwalk, the venitian, the bagelry, beverleys craft store, jamba juice, down town, the mall, the thrift stores and our schools. Oh and the beach of course. Then hit up the pool and hot tub at my grandmas before it is sold, and then end the night at Mr. Toots in the village for a coffee on the balcony.

I have been reading like crazy since I got my Nook. I love it. I am going to start working on finishing up my novel so I can epublish it. THat way all of my friends can read it. and I can even sell it or offer it for free and see if anyone is interested in reading it.

It's almost tax time, which hopefully means a nice return and paying some of my student loans off. We are also looking at getting a new TV since the one we have now makes a loud buzzing noise. It's really annoying.

If you have a good book reccomendation leave me a comment so I can pick it up with my Nook.

No need for a really long post because I can post again tomorrow if I want, so I'm off for now.


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