Settling down

Things have been crazy recently, but it's beginning to settle down. I got a job right down the street from my house in November. It was hectic at first, but I have gotten into somewhat of a routine in my office. my step-son has come and gone once again. we had 2 weeks with him for the Christmas holiday. He is done with his SOI training and is now stationed in Twentynine Plams CA. Apparently he will be deployed to Afghanistan in March. I am not happy about that, but he seems to be pretty stoked. Christmas was amazing. Everyone got what they wanted, including me. I got my NOOK! I've read over 2500 pages since i got it. Nice huh? New Years was fun. I went to Centerfolds with my hubby and had a good time. Abby turned 3 yesterday! My youngest baby is 3 years old. My 12 year old, Kayla kind of hit the nail on the head for me when she said " She's been 2 forever" it really has seemed that way.

The Lexipro seems to be working pretty well for me. I'm feeling pretty good so far. I've been on it for about 2 months now. and I've kind of settled down. My lovely husband got me a stethoscope for christmas because I am always complaining about heartbeat issues, and I finally heard my heart skip like I thought is was. now I know it's not all in my head. it actually skips. Luckily I have a Dr appointment for a full physical coming up soon so I can talk to her about it.

I am supposed to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled soon. I have my consultation appointment on the 27th. I am going to find out how much it will cost me to be completely knocked out because you all know how much I hate the dentist.

I passed my RDA practical exam! I haven't schedule the written yet because I have been waiting for things to settle down, but judging by the title of this blog - I should cal them today to schedule it.

I'm pretty excited about the Masonic Crab Feed coming up. I plan to get shell fish wasted on the 21st.

Even the kids have been settling down. Thing have been going pretty well in my life, besides the fact that I was just really sick, and my genius brother decided to have his daughters birthday at Chuck e cheeses (about 4 of my major triggers for anxiety all rolled into one) I did OK though. I lasted a LOT longer than I thought I would.

I'm sitting here at Starbucks blogging with a cinderella dress (with hot chocolate spilled down the front) clad 3 Year old sleeping in my lap. my 12 year old playing pimple popper on her new itouch on my left, and the fidgety 6 year old on my right. "All is well" as it says carved into the wood on the table in front of me. Life is good, the sun is out, we are employed, on what seems to be the right drugs, I have good books to read, I have kids to be proud of (Lydia is turning into the hoolahoop queen, Kayla is sitting here reading everything I type so I will skip her for now. Josh is preparing to defend our country and has become a man in a few short months. Abby is growing and learning even though she still skips 5 when she counts. Christa is just an amazing smarty pants) My husband loves me, and does so much for me. Its just good right now. Remind me to look back at this post when things go to shit later. They always do, but that how it goes. Can't appreciate the good without making it through to bad to get there.

I will be posting more after the 26th when I get internet at home, but for now, i'm done. my arm is falling asleep trying to type with Abby laying on it.


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