Sometimes I Feel Like A Superhero

Today after work I was very tired. My feet were hot and I was hungry. I went in my room to change for dinner and relax for a bit. My daughter knocked on the door, and I told her I would be out in a minute because I wasn't ready for 20 questions and the usual bickering that goes on between my two girls almost every day.
As we were walking out the door to dinner Lydia informed us that Abby had taken their hamster out of its cage and left it in the cage with one of the bunnies (who currently lives indoors) but the hamster was nowhere to be found. We did a search of the house and couldn't find her (or Abby for that matter). We found Abby and continued looking for Gallifrey, the hamster.
Deciding that eventually the hamster would come out of hiding, we left for dinner. I texted my oldest daughter and let her know what was going on, because she would be coming home while we were out. Dinner was delicious, as was dessert.
We came home and met my daughter's boyfriend (nice kid), then left again to go get our truck washed because we are pulling a float in the Rodeo parade tomorrow. As we pulled up to the house in the dark, we had to park on the street because the float is in the driveway. As my husband was parking he pulled up a little past where our yard and the neighbors yard meet and I saw something scurrying along the pavers. I am pretty blind and regularly mistake leaves in the wind for squirrels while driving, and I saw a GLIMPSE of this movement as my husband was backing into the spot in front of our driveway. I hopped out of the car and tried to use the light from my phone to see. I saw her run again about a foot further down the row. IT WAS THE HAMSTER! I couldn't believe it. I handed my purse to Lydia and had to try to catch a hamster in the dark outside. I snatched her up and she was so scared.
My mind immediately went to all of the ways that this could have turned out differently. Most scenarios would be really bad. Car, cat, three seconds later and I wouldn't have seen her, crow, hawk, the neighbors taking their dogs on a walk...any of these would have meant bad news for the hamster and another dead pet for my poor girls.
I feel like a Superhero! Someone was looking out for my girls' little buddy.


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