
Showing posts from October, 2017

An Update on Quitting Smoking

It has been 1 year 10 months and 5 days since my last cigarette and 3 days since the last time I had one in a dream. I do not crave them anymore, but I do miss the break from life that they provided at times. Maybe that's a lie. I do crave them when it is cold and raining, but I don't actually want one, I just love the feeling of blowing the smoke into the cool moist air and how it hangs there longer and seems like so much more than it is because your breath is also visible on days like that. But, those days also trap the smell in your clothes and amplify it when you return to the warm dry indoors. I hate the smell of them. Which is hard when my husband still smokes. It's a little unreasonable to ask him to brush his teeth, wash his face and hands and change his clothes every time he comes back inside from smoking, so I just deal with it as best I can. I can immediately tell if a person smokes when they walk past me in the store, or walk up to my counter at work. You can&

Let's Go Over the Changes, Shall We?

This photo has nothing to do with this post, it's just pretty! You may have noticed a title change to the blog as well as a URL change. I tried to get everything to match, but someone else holds the URL I wanted for the direct link to my blog. so it is! But, you can get here by typing in which is pretty cool. I'm attempting to post more, because I feel that I need a project or a goal in order to keep myself occupied.  I think that we all come to a point in our lives where the number of people who care what we think or what we have to say takes a sudden hit and whether we want to admit it or not, our opinions need validation, or at the very least open reception. Being heard is a basic human need. There is a reason why spiritual peoples who give up human comforts often times give up speaking. They are forced into keeping all thoughts to themselves, which probably enhances the idea that they are communing