Let's Go Over the Changes, Shall We?

This photo has nothing to do with this post, it's just pretty!

You may have noticed a title change to the blog as well as a URL change. I tried to get everything to match, but someone else holds the URL I wanted for the direct link to my blog. so https:www.jessicathinksblog.blogspot.com it is! But, you can get here by typing in www.jessicathinks.com which is pretty cool. I'm attempting to post more, because I feel that I need a project or a goal in order to keep myself occupied.

 I think that we all come to a point in our lives where the number of people who care what we think or what we have to say takes a sudden hit and whether we want to admit it or not, our opinions need validation, or at the very least open reception. Being heard is a basic human need. There is a reason why spiritual peoples who give up human comforts often times give up speaking. They are forced into keeping all thoughts to themselves, which probably enhances the idea that they are communing with a higher being, because those thoughts have to go somewhere, right?

All through life I have been encouraged by those around me to express my opinions. Teachers pulled creativity out of me. Boys who liked me listened intently to what I had to say (if only to appear interested in what I had to say, rather than with the lips that were saying it). My friends heeded my advice and laughed at my jokes and worldly observations. My children took in all of my words like a sponge, saving them in their tiny brains to use themselves some day. College professors were the worst. They made me feel that what I had to say was so important, that I should receive awards and scholarships to prove it. They published my words and made me feel like that really mattered. All of these people are gone or changed now. I'm not a student anymore, my kids are growing and my opinion matters less and less. My best friends and biggest cheerleaders through adolescence and young adulthood are more like acquaintances now.

Now that you know where I am in life, You might understand the new purpose behind my blog. I don't see a big change in content coming, but there will be more of it. Hopefully a lot more. It might be interesting to some of you, or not. My goal really is to get my thoughts out in the best way I know how, which means I will write about them. I will always post the links to new blogs on my Facebook and my Instagram, but feel free to check back often for new posts. 


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