
Showing posts from November, 2017

A Book Review: The Rules of Magic, by Alice Hoffman

I picked up this audio book because it was Reese Witherspoon's Book Club selection for the month. I didn't realize it was a prequel to Practical Magic until I was ready to click "order," and I could not have been more excited to read it. I LOVE that movie. So much so that I had everyone in my wedding walk out to a song from the soundtrack for that movie. I love that my niece is named Jillian because of that movie. (I mean I love it because of that, not that she was named that because of the movie....or was she? little Jillybean!) That movie was where I discovered Joni Mitchell and Stevie Nicks.. Talk about a great soundtrack! All of this to say, I was thrilled about this book. Practical Magic follows the lives of Gillian and Sally Owens and The Rules of Magic gives us more Owens family history with a look into the early lives of the Aunts that raise Gillian and Sally after their parents fall victim to the Owens curse. Most of this review is based on the assumpti

HOLLYWOOD - The American Nightmare

I have so much to say, I hope I can organize my thoughts here into something that makes a little bit of sense. Keep in mind this is not a news blog, this is an opinion blog. So, what I have to say is based on what I have heard, and how it has made me feel. For me this storm of debauchery began with the #metoo campaign. Watching all of the women I know pour out their experiences to support each other and put it out there that we are not alone. I appreciate all of you in your bravery and openness. The many allegations against Harvey Weinstein became the focus shortly after that, letting us know that even celebrities are not exempt from the shit we all have to go through as women. We also saw that it takes a lot of women standing together to be taken seriously and if you are not the "right type" of woman, you might as well keep it to yourself until someone more reputable shines a light on the asshole who hurt you. The Courtney Loves and Rose McGowans of the industry were not

The Fall of Santa Claus: When Your Kids Age Out of Your Favorite Traditions

The time has come. The end is near. Your days are numbered Mr. Claus. I have one rule in my home about the holidays: "If you do not  believe , you do not receive! " This rule came about because of the age differences in our kids. With the oldest being 25 and the youngest not quite ten, I had to figure out how to save the spirit of our Holidays for the younger kids.  I have been pleasantly surprised with the adhesiveness of this rule. My kids may have doubted the existence of the man in red on more than one occasion, only for their beliefs to be bolstered by their older siblings. There's something about seeing your 16 year old sisters excitedly clamor for their chance to have their picture taken with the big man at your traditional "Breakfast with Santa" that nullifies the nagging doubt that the little brats in class stuck in your head. But alas, the illusion can only last for so long, no matter how hard your Mom shoves the mythical man's existenc