Relay for Life

Earlier this year I cast a net to see if I could get enough people to join me for Relay for Life, so I could start my own team. I had one reply and it was far from a promise to join. Finally I decided that the only way to get people to join was to ask each person I wanted on my team directly. I actually got a great response that way, and I had a team of 10 in no time. We did our thing and raised our money and got our stuff together for the day of Relay. Relay for Life is a great fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The relay lasts for 24 hours from 9am on saturday to 9am on sunday. One person from the team is supposed to be walking on the track at all times, but all of you can walk or just a few at a time. We all decided to stay for the whole 24 hours. At one point none of us were walking because we were all so tired, but I think we can plan it better next year. We rocked the theme laps, but we missunderstood it in the beginning and then we kept missing the judges. This is another thing we will improve on next year. I think each team member should take 2 themes and we will pile all of our efforts into dressing that person up for that particular lap in order to try and win. We also needed a better Mission Delivery statement and more stuff at our tent. Next year we want to have lap tracking beads at our tent and some much better raffle prizes. As soon as we can sign up I will be registering our team so we can start fundraising and getting together our raffle prizes. We ended up with a team of 7 because some people weren't able to make it. I was amazed and very proud that our team ended up raising $1000 with 7 team members. It was touching to see one of my best friends remembering her cousin who passed away due to cancer at a very young age. She had Luminaria bags dedicated to her and her photo was in the slide show. The team had a blast when the hula hoop lady came. I was stuck sitting for the team captain photo and missed out on that, but we all had so much fun and can't wait until next year! And I want to give a special thanks to our team cheerleader- my son Josh!


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