The Few, The Proud, The ZZZZZZZZ

After months of being deployed to Afghanistan, my dear step-son finally got to come home. I was so glad to see him home and unharmed. We got to sit and talk, and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Out like a light on the couch for 5-7 hours a day. Still on Middle Eastern time. I had to resist the urge to wake him up so we could hang out. I did get in some time with him in between him sleeping and me sleeping or working. It will be nice to have him home for a longer stretch starting next week. Hopefully he figures out when night time is so we can get a chance to do more than just listen to him snore.

I just want to say that I am so proud of him. He is becoming a Man. He does however retain his old Joshiness, which I love!

I am starting to come to grips with the fact that he doesn't live here anymore. Since he left for boot camp it's always been a temporary thing. "He'll be gone for 3 months." "He'll only be gone for 5 months." "He gets to come Home in 2 weeks." But now that he is back from deployment I am starting to realize that he lives there now. He has moved out and he lives in 29 Palms on base and works there full time. He might get to come visit on leave, but he is a grown ass man, and he doesn't live with us anymore. But even after saying all of that, I'm not ready to change his room yet.

I never thought that at 31 years old I would be so depressed over my kid moving out of the house. Damn I feel old.


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