Many many things

So much has been going on in life, that I have neglected my blog. I'm back today because I originally started this blog to help me deal with my depression and anxiety and both have come back at me full force recently. I had a health issue that probably falls under the TMI category so I wont share it here, but I came off of all of my meds in order to try and figure out what was going on. apparently there was nothing medically wrong with me. It has been probably 6 months since I stopped my meds, but I was doing really well. I had only a few episodes with extreme anxiety, but I handled them ok. but recently my depression is back worse than ever really. I am going to schedule myself an appointment today but it's hard to find one that doesn't interfere with any of kaylas appointments.

My dear daughter injured herself riding her skateboard. She sprained an ankle and broke the other one. She ended up needing surgery to place a screw in the broken ankle and has many follow up appointments coming up over the next few months. But I vow to fit myself in.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned it here before of not, but I pretty much diagnosed myself with hypergraphia. I get extreme urges to write on things. most of the time I get frustrated and anxious because I have nothing to write. This causes panic attacks, but I bought an appointment book/calendar and I have been writing in it. I write what happened that day, what I spent money on, etc.. It is helping my hypergraphia and my anxiety over money and staying organized.

This Monday started my weight loss plan. I have decided to only make weekly goals so that I feel like they are achievable and I don't get discouraged and just quit because I am not going to reach a long term goal. This week I have a goal of losing 2 lbs. Today is Wednesday and I have lost 1.6 lbs. I am going back to a short floor exercise routine because I know I can do it at least 4 times a week without quitting. I plan to add a more structured eating plan and more cardio as time goes on. As anyone with depression knows, it's hard to even get up an moving sometimes. So My plan might not put me on the fast track to a healthy weight, but I am doing what I know I can handle right now.

On a positive note, my step-son is coming back from Afghanistan this month. Next week as far as I know. I have missed him like crazy. That little punk has been a huge part of my daily life for almost 10 years and I miss his comic relief. I can't wait to see him and spend some time laughing at the stories of his shenanigans.

I'm going to try to blog more, and I am also going to work on a few other projects, but we will get to all of that later. For now, Thank you for reading and I hope to be back really soon.


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