It's so annoying

Everyone has pet peeves. but once you start making a list of things that annoy you, you may never stop. Even if you are some kind of Saint or yogi, who can rise above it all, there are still things that annoy you or you would have nothing to rise above. One day I was very annoyed about something and I explained it to a co-worker, and she actually finished my sentence while I was explaining what happened. This made me realize that I am not the only one who has experienced this specific annoyance. So I wrote it down. Not sure what I was going to do with it. Not surprisingly more things happened that were annoying to me and I decided I would just write them down as well. I've amassed a nice little collection of annoying situations that I would like to share with you. You may have been in some of these situations before, or not. Either way I think you will find them entertaining. I will stretch them out over a few posts so look out for the "It's so Annoying" titles if you enjoy the little tidbit below.

You know what's annoying? When you are right. Like 100%, hand on the bible, could prove it to a sour-faced critical judge, right, but the person you are arguing with will not stop coming up with random nonsence to prove you wrong. So you decide that instead of letting the situation continue in the direction it is going (the more incorrect they are the louder they talk) and resorting to physical violence (aka slapping a bitch), you decide to walk away. And the other person takes this to mean that they are right........uuuuggggghhhh!
NO! Still wrong I just don't want to get arrested for assaulting you.


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