Big changes, means big anxiety

Wow, it's been a while. I've been focused on other things but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Posting here being one of those things. I have experienced some pretty big life changes over the past few weeks and they are freaking me out! One I had my hours cut at work. This came as a surprise. I actually thought that they were going to increase my hours when they said they had to talk to me about my schedule. But I had one day a week cut. so now I am only working Thursdays and Fridays and every other Saturday. Big hit to my pocket book and my self esteem. I feel like I did something wrong to have them take away one of my days. but they also took away one of the other assistants days. This all happened so they could hire another girl who had ben filling in while the other assistant was on medical leave. I had just registered for school when they made this decision too, which freaked me out, because I had registered for school finally because I felt comfortable with how life was going and felt ready for that one small change. Apparently one change wasn't enough. So I guess since I have extra days off it is a good time to jump into classes full force. I also joined a gym again. a slower paced/women only/circuit training gym, but still. Add in a pretty significant family event and planning for Relay for Life again and you have one messed up Jess. My youngest is about to start kindergarten in the fall, and I'm worried about that. My middle girl is having a hard time in math and has to be tested to see if she needs to be in resource classes next year. and my oldest is scaring me with her choices.
What am I supposed to do with a teenager who seems to be having a hard time socially, but when you dig further, you see that she is starting a lot of the problem herself. On the surface it looks like bullying, but when you hear the other side, you wonder who started it. You see anonymous posts telling her she is fat and ugly and that no one likes her, but when you ask her to delete the account on the website that allows anonymous questions like that , she won't do it. It's like she enjoys it, and I don't know what to do about that. I feel like she needs to have all technology taken away from her. but apparently you can't have any friends now if you don't have a twitter and instagram and KIK and Vine and tumblr. I made her get rid of Facebook and it helped for a while, but all of these other apps and I can't keep tabs on all of them a new one comes out every other week.
I feel like boarding school with no internet might be the only answer.

I hate complaining about my stress level, but my mental anxiety is having a physical effect on me. And these are real fucking problems. I have been doing pretty well keeping my depression and anxiety at a really manageable level up until about 3 weeks ago. I'm taking steps to bring it back to that level, but that may take a while. My family and friends are awesome and I would be lost without their support.

That's all I have for now. I just needed to get some stuff out.


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