Sometimes you have to grin and bear it, and sometimes you have to laugh on your way out the door.

     Being an adult is really hard. Children are not trusted with life changing decisions, which is why they live such carefree lives. As adults we have to make decisions that can change everything not only for ourselves, but for our families as well. We are not infallible. We make the wrong decision on occasion and we suffer the consequences of those choices. It is a very adult thing, to admit that you have made the wrong choice.
     We are taught that as adults we need to accept our mistakes and make the best of a poor situation. In essence we need to "grin and bear it." I've done a lot of grinning over the years and a lot of silent (well...semi-silent) suffering has given me a pessimistic attitude toward life's opportunities. It is a rare occasion when I feel that something will work out the way I had dreamed, but I am a well seasoned veteran of the "Suck-it-up" club.
     I am done with the grin and bear it attitude. My life is not something that I should have to deal with. I want to live my life for my own enjoyment. My husband and my kids make me happy, so I want to spend time with them. I enjoy learning new things, so I will make time for school. I love to read and write, and watch movies, so I will not feel guilty for doing any of those things. I love my patients and my job so I will work. I will NOT suffer through anything that makes me miserable. (except the dishes, I will still suffer through washing the dishes)
     Being an adult means a lot of things, but it shouldn't mean we have to do things that make us unhappy. When you feel trapped by the consequences of your decisions, turn that jaw clenching grin into a full out guffaw as you walk out the door.
     I am well on my way to taking my own advice on this matter. I am doing things that make me happy. I have walked out on the things that were causing me an overwhelming amount of misery, and life is turning around.


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