Do you ever feel....

Do you ever feel like you are the only one that really takes the time to understand things? I feel like I spend so much time trying to understand everything around me, and no one else really gives a shit. It's not necessarily a bad thing I just wonder if I waste a lot of my time figuring out things that don't matter at all. Should I just accept that things are the way they are, and things happen the way they happen and people act the way they act, and there's no rhyme or reason behind it? It is what it is because it is what it is......

My doctors appointment went fine. basically there is nothing wrong with me according to my physical and blood work. But I am still convinced that my hormones are off how else can they explain the fact that I have like a 50 day cycle? It doesn't make any sense. My meds are staying the same which is fine because I am happy with them right now.

My extraction also went well. I was in pretty bad pain fr about 4-5 days, but I went back to work and everything just fine. They had to leave my amazing "J" shaped root in my jaw because it was ankylosed. (aka fused to the bone) I had my post op check up and the Dr told me that I have to come back in to have another piece taken out that was missed closer to the gum line. The root will not cause me problems later but the other piece can cause periodontal issues (aka problems with my gums)So I have to schedule another appointment for a 2nd surgery. I'm actually not nervous about it at all.

Josh is no longer being deployed to Afghanistan - at least not for now. They may be heading to Jordan to train troops there later this month, then head to Afghanistan from there if they are needed, but for now he is back in Twenty nine palms. He actually just visited for the weekend, and we had a fun little adventure to drop off the girls at school in the morning and went to Starbucks.

I just found out today that my work wants to change my day to Monday Tuesday and Thursday and every other Saturday. So now I will have even weirder days off. and I have to figure out how to make this work with my sitter (Hi Ashley :) So It's going to be weird for a while trying to get it all figured out.

Hopefully it will all work out. I'm not sure if I should stress about it or not. I'm sure I will over analyze it all, because that's who I am.

OOOH I almost forgot that I have signed myself up for 2 different photo shoots with 2 different friends. I'm hoping they will make me feel good about myself. I'm a weird mix of vain and self deprecating. lol I think I look like crap most of the time, but do my hair and make-up and I can't stop looking at myself. So photos of myself looking pretty will do wonders for my self esteem


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