boycotting cookies breeds ignorance

Man, I want to buy girl scout cookies more than ever this year. I thought the whole scout organization was run by people way out on the tip of the right wing. but I applaud the left of center stance the Colorado leaders are taking. You might already know that I am adamant about the fact that transgendered people are truly the sex they identify as, and not the sex they were born as. If a little girl wants to join the Girls Scouts, but she  happened to be born as a boy, then I say let her join. and the young girl who posted a video about boycotting girl scout cookies because of this is just full of hate and ignorance. A few things really get to me about this whole thing. One I don't believe this young girl came to this decision on her own. I think she was influenced by ignorant adults to go on this crusade against the cookies. Two How does telling people to Not but cookies help her cause? If she has a problem she should leave the girl scouts. If you don't believe what an organization that you are a member of believes in, then leave that organization. All a boycott would accomplish is diminishing funds for the scout troops. It will not get the transgendered girl kicked out of the scouts. The organization is not going to kick her out in order to get more people to buy cookies. Especially since there are people like me who will happily buy 4 times the amount of cookies just to make up the difference.
I also saw a report today on my tumblr stating that the girl scouts have partnered with Planned Parenthood to create a "good" and "information based" sexual education program. The word "good" and "information based" were placed in quotations in this article in order to make them seem false, but I think this would be a good thing. In all of my years of experience with Planned Parenthood, I have never seen them as promoting abortion. Planned Parenthood does perform abortions, but they also offer counselling, birth control, prenatal care, infant care classes, and many many other services, and usually for free. They have a great program for training volunteers to go out into the community and partner with different groups to provide sexual education. I have found that their programs are GOOD and INFORMATION BASED, and also age appropriate. Younger girls will learn about their bodies and the changes they will go through during puberty, while older girls will learn about pregnancy and disease prevention and ANY planned parenthood educator would tell you that abstinence is the only 100% way to prevent either, but they are open minded enough to know that not 100% of the girls they speak with will stay virgins until they are married. Another thing I am adamant about is that the best way to stop abortions from happening is to educate young women about birth control methods and to make sure that these methods are easily put into use. Condoms, pills, the shot, etc should be available to girls with out parent permission. I have 3 daughters and I would like to think that when that time came, that they would come to me, but that might not happen. I would rather they have the means to protect themselves from pregnancy and disease without me there, if they felt they couldn't talk to me about it for some reason. Maybe all of my girls should join the girl scouts.

This kind of turned into a rant, but needless to say I will be purchasing Cookies this year.


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