The obligatory New Year's blog

So here we go.... another year. What can I say about 2011? Well it was just as long as any other year, but I sure did accomplish a lot. I also failed a lot. so it all kind of evened out. I hope to tip those scales in the upcoming year.... towards the accomplishments of course. I have a few goals and ideas for this year, so I'm going to type them out here so I can come back and cry about the ones that didn't happen this time next year. (kind of like NaNoWriMo. lol)
1. Lose 25 lbs. This is totally doable. There are 52 weeks in a year so about 2 lbs a week will get me where I want to be. And that will put me back to where I was on my wedding day. That would be nice.
2. Read 50 books. OK so that's like a book a week and I'm already slacking, but I have decided that I am going to be forgiving with this one. If I read a 500 page book, that shit is counting as 2 books. Also I'm counting any chapter book, no matter how simple. I have a feeling there will be quite a few YA books in my future. If you have any suggestions please leave them in a comment of send them to me on Facebook.
3. Get the older girls to DC. Kayla and Christa are both going to Washington DC this summer with their schools. We have to pay/raise over $2000 for each girl before April. This is going to be a struggle, but we have to do it for the girls (goodbye income tax return)
4. Zip line for my anniversary. I have been with my husband for 10 years this September. (we've only been married for 6 this year, but 10 years together needs to be celebrated) SO I want to go zip lining. I'm not sure where but I'm going to look into it so we can do it in September.
5. Disneyland. I really want to get the little girl to Disneyland. They have never been and the older girls would like to go back too. After the DC trips are paid for I want to start saving for a trip to Disneyland.
6. Get a new car. I have no idea how this is going to be accomplished, but I can't see the Durango making it through another year. She's giving up on me.
7. RELAY!!! Relay For Life again as a Team Captain and raise $1000 myself plus the funds from the rest of my team. I'm so excited for this year. Relay is seriously so fun and inspiring!

So that's it. My personal goals for 2012. I would lie to start taking some classes or something but that is not going to happen this year. I would also like to get Lydia into Ballet Classes but that probably won't happen either, maybe next year. I wish prices would go down to match the income. School for me and dance classes for Lydia are both really expensive.

Ok now really that's it. Maybe I will remember to check back on this post in a few months and kick myself in the ass to get moving on these goals. OR maybe one of my readers can post a link to this blog on my Facebook page, and remind me to get busy on my goals.


  1. Re: Goal #1
    If you lose 2 pounds a week, that will be a total of 104 pounds for the year. If you want to lose 25 lbs., that's about .5 lb. per week, or 2 lbs. a month. Just thought the revamped math could help you pursue your goal easier :) Good luck!

  2. I need to start going back to proof read my posts for more than spelling errors before I post. lol I meant one pound every 2 weeks not 2 lbs every one week. It's not my math that needs revamping it's the constant distractions that go on in my house and in my mind as I'm typing up my blogs.Thanks though.


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