
Showing posts from January, 2010

For my mom

Happy Birthday Mom. If I wasn't broke I would buy this painting for you because it reminds me of you and I know you would love it. I hope you have a wonderful tomorrow - and no this is not an excuse not to call you on your birthday!! this is a link to the painting (since I used the photo - I thought I should provide access to the page where it is available for purchase.

The Lost Symbol

I finished reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. It was pretty good. It was fast paced, but then it would skip to another part of the story. It wouldn't be so bad in a movie, but I found myself wanting to skip over parts to get back to the subject I was already reading about. I didn't of course, but I wanted to. If you have read the other books in the Robert Langdon series you will probably enjoy this book as well. It is based on some masonic legends. Steve read the book as well and as a mason he said it is entertaining and thought provoking. We had a few discussions about the main idea of the book and how our opinions on the subject differed. It was nice to have our own little discussion group about the book. I am currently reading American on Purpose, by Craig Ferguson. If you are a fan of his late, late show I suggest you pick this one up. Even if you aren'T a fan, or if you have never heard of him I still suggest it. It's an autobiography, and he has had an interest

First term is over

I finished my first term at school. I got a 97% on my final. for a total of 101% in my lecture class, and an 85% in my lab class. I was annoyed at the B until I found out that no one got an A. My total grade is a 96%, which is a 4.0. I am so proud of myself. I worked really hard and did my best which was hard at times. I am going to continue working hard, and pushing myself. My new goals for this course are: -get perfect attendance -get perfect spelling/terminology scores -raise my lab grade -score high on my final again This is for my sister: On the list of things I love I mentioned my family, but I did not directly mention my sister. I Love my sister for many reasons. One of which is that she mentioned that I did not mention her directly on my list. I love that we can say 2 words to eachother and crack up about it and no one else will understand - bean hole! My sister was not always my best friend, but I could not live without her now. I need to talk to her AT LEAST every other day i

I think I figured it out.

Here is a quick picture of my Model teeth, just to see if this works.

Much better

Today was much better. I was fine getting up this morning and I got off to school with out a problem. I did have an issue driving in the bad weather, but I made it to Tracy and rode with a classmate the rest of the way. She is super nice and conversation flows easily with her. Both of my presentations went well. I got an A on the research project (I worked with 2 partners) I talked for what seemed like longer than the other students about myself/my family. I packed my poster with pictures and I went through everyone and told a little about them. With so many people in my house it was a long presentation. I had the beginnings of a panic attack in class today. I don't know what the trigger was, but I started having a tight chest, and feeling really chlostrophobic.As the involuntary tears started in the inside corners of my eyes I looked up towards the ceiling and took a few deep breaths through my nose and out my mouth. I took my hands and smoothed them back over my hair, then from m

Quick post

I just wanted to write a quick post before bed. Today was a tough one for me. Nothing really happened, but I was not handling myself very well today. I don't know if it was the weather or hormonal imbalances or what, but I was in a sleep all day mood. I did not get to sleep all day because I had things to do, but I was lost in music while driving around and I was feeling really negative all day. I ended up with a headache, which I'm pretty sure came from clenching my teeth. My nephews new album and the discovery of a blog with reviews of young adult books have given me momentary happiness. I am looking forward to looking up some of the books I read about at the library. And the new album is really good. I'm listening to it right now. I always feel like it's important to mention that I am happy with my life, and I love my husband and family even though today I was not at the top of my game. Tomorrow I have to give 2 oral presentations and one of them is all about me. Rea

Catching up

The phrase "Catching up" applies to so many aspects of my life right now. School: I am finally caught up, but I have been staying after school for days to get it all done. I still have a set of model teeth to trim and make beautiful, but I don't need it for a grade so I am just going to take them home for now, and hope that I get a chance to trim it at some point. Money: It's really hard right now, but we are trying to catch up on our bills. Things are slowly getting shut off at my house while others are getting paid off. Writing: With all of the other catching up my writing has fallen off a bit --- or more accurately, I haven't written anything for my novel since I started school. I have made some notes though, so at least I'm keeping it fresh in my mind. I have not been blogging daily, but I don't think that's a big deal. I don't have interesting thoughts every day so I'd rather wait until I have something to say to write a blog. Family has b

Thank you for your opinions

I pretty much gather that most of who voted in my poll would like to hear about my depression and anxiety. I will continue with those updates. I will drop the weight loss updates. Other than that I will just write about things as the mood strikes. You will most likely hear about daily life - school and home because without those experiences -not much else I do makes sense. As I read books I will mention them, and when I am done, I will write reviews. As you know I have a bunch of kids, and my kids have a bunch of stuff, so I will write reviews of that stuff, and some of my own stuff from time to time as well. I will also keep the running list of the movies I watch. I have an old list, but I'm not sure if it is worth it to transfer that information here. If you are really interested in seeing the old list, comment this message and I will try to think of the best way to post that information. I will not write a film review, but I will let you know whether or not I liked it. My idea w

Getting to know me 2nd round

I'm back even though I'm tired. My first day back at school was fun. I finished my first plaster model of a set of teeth. Im staying after school tomorrow so I can finish taking molds of another students teeth and pouring it in plaster so I can Trim into an awesome model. So, back to the getting to know me lists. I figured since this is my blog I can talk about myself without seeming vain. Plus it really is to help those who don't already know me. So here we go. List number 2 and list number 3: 2. Things that I really like. (which is different than the things that I love...) Glitter creating things (knitting, sewing, baking) Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, True Blood, and Big Love Twilight (ya I know. guilty pleasure) Make-up My iPod crap reality TV (ie. Rock of Love) Cupcakes 3. Things that I'm not too fond of: doing dishes washing my hair sweating re-runs driving home work poor listeners chocolate -chocolate cake When the kids write in my books tight shoes s

Getting to know me

I realize that most of my readers will be people who already know me. But in the case that you ended up here, and you have no idea who I am I thought it would be nice to kind of let you know who you are dealing with here. For future reference My husbands name is Steve, and we have 5 kids. Josh(17), Kayla(11), Christa(11),they are step sisters- not twins, Lydia(5), and Abby (2). As soon as I say I'm going to sit here and write about myself my mind goes blank. Interesting... Ok well I guess I will start off listing a few things that I LOVE. That will get me started. There are the obvious things. My children, my husband, my family, etc. But I think I will get a little more specific, and also a little more personal.I Love... the way Abby says "sorry" Lydia's imagination the feeling of playdough raw cookie dough calla lilies my husbands arms watching movies kaylas laugh that christa and I have connected over books Josh's personality (except the lazy part) When abby

And so it begins

I finally have a blog. I've been putting this off for about a year, because I thought I was too busy to keep a blog. But with all of the time I spend updating my facebook, that was just a poor excuse. So here I am. I will be sharing my thoughts on everything in my life. You can count on book, movie and food reviews... Stories of and exercise updates... photos of my family...links to interesting things I find online...updates on my sanity level, and of course my random thoughts. Enjoy!