Quick post

I just wanted to write a quick post before bed. Today was a tough one for me. Nothing really happened, but I was not handling myself very well today. I don't know if it was the weather or hormonal imbalances or what, but I was in a sleep all day mood. I did not get to sleep all day because I had things to do, but I was lost in music while driving around and I was feeling really negative all day. I ended up with a headache, which I'm pretty sure came from clenching my teeth.

My nephews new album and the discovery of a blog with reviews of young adult books have given me momentary happiness. I am looking forward to looking up some of the books I read about at the library. And the new album is really good. I'm listening to it right now.

I always feel like it's important to mention that I am happy with my life, and I love my husband and family even though today I was not at the top of my game.

Tomorrow I have to give 2 oral presentations and one of them is all about me. Really it's all about my family, because I don't think I can stand up for 5 minutes and talk about myself. I have to do one of those presentations every 6 weeks. I think next time I will do books and movies that I like. I could talk about that for an hour and have tons left to talk about afterward.

Today's sanity levels: Anxiety 4, Depression 6-7.
I need to be encouraged. Hopefully tomorrow is just better from the get go, but if not I would love some possitive comments to read when I get home from school.


  1. Jessica your doing awesome! to take on going to school on top of everything that comes with being a mom and wife! you should be proud of what your doing!!! I hope you did well on your speech! that's brave... I would totaly choke! I know sometimes you feel down, but just remember what an awesome person you are!! Love you!


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