Getting to know me

I realize that most of my readers will be people who already know me. But in the case that you ended up here, and you have no idea who I am I thought it would be nice to kind of let you know who you are dealing with here.

For future reference My husbands name is Steve, and we have 5 kids. Josh(17), Kayla(11), Christa(11),they are step sisters- not twins, Lydia(5), and Abby (2).

As soon as I say I'm going to sit here and write about myself my mind goes blank. Interesting... Ok well I guess I will start off listing a few things that I LOVE. That will get me started. There are the obvious things. My children, my husband, my family, etc. But I think I will get a little more specific, and also a little more personal.I Love...

the way Abby says "sorry"
Lydia's imagination
the feeling of playdough
raw cookie dough
calla lilies
my husbands arms
watching movies
kaylas laugh
that christa and I have connected over books
Josh's personality (except the lazy part)
When abby jumps with both feet
prime rib with horseradish
scallops and crab and salmon
brushing my teeth
babies -especially newborn
when I get a "taste for something" and I can actually taste it in my mouth
touching my hair when it's straight (it's naturally curly)
my grandma's house and her attitude
writing on paper with a ballpoint pen
purple pens
my wedding ring
sticking my hands into large containers holding lots of tiny smooth things. like a barrel of dry rice or beans, or a can of buckshot
chopping chocolate
finding a good song
music and movies that remind me of high school

I think that's a good start. Maybe tomorrow I wil post about things I don't like so much.

Tomorrow I go back to school. I am going to school to become a dental assistant. It is going to be hard getting back into the routine of waking up at 6am again, but I did pretty well when I first started. I'm going to do my best to remember to post here, but I know myself, and the newness will wear off and I will just forget about it. If you are a facebook friend, and notice I haven't posted here in a while, remind me. I would really like to keep this up and see what comes out of it.

Todays anxiety is about a 4, and depression level is probably a 7. still being sick isn't helping. Todays weight is 147lbs.


  1. I WILL BE ON YOUR ASS TO POST MY DEAR ;-) This is a great place to reflect and typing is so much easier than writing on paper. I love chocolate cutting its so funny when I read that I could feel it lol ;-)


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