Much better

Today was much better. I was fine getting up this morning and I got off to school with out a problem. I did have an issue driving in the bad weather, but I made it to Tracy and rode with a classmate the rest of the way. She is super nice and conversation flows easily with her.

Both of my presentations went well. I got an A on the research project (I worked with 2 partners) I talked for what seemed like longer than the other students about myself/my family. I packed my poster with pictures and I went through everyone and told a little about them. With so many people in my house it was a long presentation.
I had the beginnings of a panic attack in class today. I don't know what the trigger was, but I started having a tight chest, and feeling really chlostrophobic.As the involuntary tears started in the inside corners of my eyes I looked up towards the ceiling and took a few deep breaths through my nose and out my mouth. I took my hands and smoothed them back over my hair, then from my forehead down over my brow and nose, then across the tops of my cheeks (where my sinuses run)to my temples and down my jawbone to my chin/neck. Another deep breath and I was good. It might sound weird, but it didn't even draw attention and the whole process doesn't even take a minute. I was surprised that I was able to get myself out of it. I was telling myself "There isn't anything to freak out about right now. This is just a chemical reaction in your body, you can change it"

Tomorrow won't be too much fun at school, but at least it's not Thursday---Final Day. a 100 question test is looming over my head, and I know that I should be confident, but I am so nervous. I know I will pass, but I really want to get a GOOD score so I can keep my A in the class. It is really helping with my feelings of self worth to get back tests and quizes with 100% scores.

I have been feeling a little creatively frustrated lately. I really want to do something, but I can't figure out what to do. Any suggestions for an instant gratification project for me to try?

I wanted to let you know that I have not figured out how to comment back to you. lol I'm reading all of your comments and I appreciate every one, but I can't figure it out. I am going to try harder after I post this blog. I am also going to figure out how to post photos in a blog entry. Maybe I should learn some HTML code... or not.

Watching the news is hurting my heart right now. I just want to cuddle all of those Haitian babies. My thoughts and prayers are with every one over there, and all of the family and friends who have not heard news of their loved ones yet.

Today's levels: anxiety 8 (only because of the panic attack, really) depression 2


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