Catching up

The phrase "Catching up" applies to so many aspects of my life right now.
School: I am finally caught up, but I have been staying after school for days to get it all done. I still have a set of model teeth to trim and make beautiful, but I don't need it for a grade so I am just going to take them home for now, and hope that I get a chance to trim it at some point.

Money: It's really hard right now, but we are trying to catch up on our bills. Things are slowly getting shut off at my house while others are getting paid off.

Writing: With all of the other catching up my writing has fallen off a bit --- or more accurately, I haven't written anything for my novel since I started school. I have made some notes though, so at least I'm keeping it fresh in my mind. I have not been blogging daily, but I don't think that's a big deal. I don't have interesting thoughts every day so I'd rather wait until I have something to say to write a blog.

Family has been amazing with helping us out while Steve has been laid off. My in-laws have forgiven us our rent for now, and have been helping with groceries. My mom has been helping with those things that I would feel guilty for buying right now. Shampoo, cookies for the kids, valentines cards, etc... Which is so awesome.

Yesterday was My daughter's 2nd birthday. She is an amazing little girl. So smart and funny, she cracks me up daily. We had fun volunteering at the Rose Garden in San Jose for you Disney's Give a day get a day program. We finished in 2 hours and got to go home early. My mom came with my Aunt Denise and watched the younger girls while we worked. She bought Abby some frosted birthday brownie bites for us to take home. The kids loved them. We also went to a birthday party for Steve's Masonic brother Dan. He turned 40, and we all had fun eating yummy food, and drining margaritas while the kids ran around and had a blast. Lydia (my 5 year old) and Bryce (Dan's 4 year old) got a little relationship started.... complete with kisses goodbye at the end of the night.

Today I am sore from the work at the rose garden. I realized how awesome my night guard (that I made for myself at school with the help of my friend Angel)is, by not wearing it last night. my teeth and jaw hurt. I think today will be filled with reading, and relaxing.

Today's Anxiety level is 1-2, and Depreddion level is 2. Good day all around. I'm happy but tired with good reason. I love my husband, my kids, and my family. I am thankful for all of the help and support I am receiving from everyone.


  1. Kiss Abby happy birthday for me! i do not get to see those girls enough!!! What did you do at the Rose Garden? Did it remind you of me??? haha!


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